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Impulsator gard electric

Aparat gard electric DALTOR DEFENSE 4J

Availability: In stock

Delivery in: 2-4 work days


Aparat gard electric DALTOR DEFENSE 41J

Descoperă DALTOR DEFENSE, noul impulsator pentru gard electric proiectat pentru a oferi performanță excelentă la un preț accesibil. Creat pentru proprietarii de terenuri și fermierii cu buget redus, DALTOR DEFENSE îmbină fiabilitatea cu eficiența energetică, asigurând protecția optimă a proprietății tale.


  • Securitate Sporită: Protejează-ți animalele și terenurile de intruși și prădători.
  • Costuri Reduse: Investiție inițială scăzută și costuri de operare mici.
  • Fiabilitate: Funcționare continuă și fără probleme, indiferent de condițiile externe.

Detalii tehnice:

155mm x 255mm x h93mm
Tensiune alimentare: 12V DC / 230V AC (necesită alimentator)
Ajustabilă: Nu se poate
Energie de intrare: 4.5J
Energie de ieșire: 4J
Vârf voltaj: 11 000V
Lungime maximă traseu – iarbă mică: 17km
Lungime maximă traseu – iarbă medie: 10km
Lungime maximă traseu – iarbă mare: 7km
Dimensiuni cutie:
Dimensiuni dispozitiv: 143mm x 197mm x h73mm
Greutate dispozitiv: 1280g


  • Persoane fizice: 24 luni
  • Persoane juridice: 12 luni

Aparatul se poate alimenta la 230V prin folosirea unui alimentator (care se poate achiziționa separat).

Pachetul conține:

1x Generator de impulsuri DALTOR DEFENSE de 4J
1x Cabluri de alimentare la baterie, lungime 90 cm
1x Cablu de împământare și cablu de conectare fir gard electric, lungime 90 cm
1x Plăcuță de avertizare
1x Manual de utilizare și montare

Înainte de punerea în funcțiune, citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile!

Facem eforturi permanente pentru a păstra acuratețea informațiilor din această pagină. Rareori acestea pot conține inadvertențe: fotografia are caracter informativ și poate conține accesorii neincluse în pachetele standard, unele specificații pot fi modificate de către producător fără preaviz sau pot conține erori de operare. Toate produsele prezente în site sunt valabile în limita stocului.


Payment methods for individuals and legal entities

1. Cash on Delivery
The value of the ordered goods will be paid upon receipt of the package. The package will contain the product, accessories (if applicable), the user manual, warranty, and the invoice.

2. By bank transfer
After confirming the order, we will issue an invoice for the ordered products. The invoice will be sent via email or fax.

Our details are:

Mures County Sat. Matrici (Com. Eremitu) Main Street No. 204
Postal code: 547214
Trade Registry No.: J26/1208/01.09.2016
VAT No.: RO36483933
Transylvania BANK

3. Online by bank card through Stripe (Visa/MasterCard)
If you have chosen the "Online by bank card" payment method, you need to fill out a form with your card information on the secure page of the payment processor.

Credit/debit card payments issued under the Visa and MasterCard logo (Visa/Visa Electron and MasterCard/Maestro) are made through the "3-D Secure" system developed by organizations that ensure online transactions with the same level of security as those made at an ATM or in a physical environment, at a merchant.

"3-D Secure" primarily ensures that no information related to your card is transferred or stored at any time on the store's servers or payment processor's servers, as this data is directly entered into Visa and MasterCard systems.

Important to know!

There is no commission charged for bank card payments!

Online in equal interest-free installments through a shopping card.

After entering the card number on the payment processor's page, the system will automatically detect if it is an eligible card for installment payments at one of the banks agreed upon by the store (more details about these banks on the dedicated Online Payment Methods page) and will display a list from which you can choose the desired number of installments.


For products paid by bank transfer, the delivery time is measured from the moment your payment has reached our account.

For certain orders sent by courier with cash on delivery, a minimum 30% advance payment of the total value may be requested. In case the customer cancels the order after it has been shipped, shipping and return costs are retained from the paid amount.

Product delivery will be made within 1-3 days from the order launch.


In Hungary - by DPD courier company

The transport fees are as follows:

- 2500 HUF for orders under 40 000 HUF

- free for orders over 40 000 HUF


S.C. NEXON DYNAMIC CORPORATION S.R.L. does not assume responsibility and cannot be held liable for damages arising from the use of products purchased through the website www.nexonfarm.hu. We do not respond to compatibility issues with products purchased from other companies and do not assume any responsibility if products purchased from S.C.NEXON DYNAMIC CORPORATION S.R.L. are used in conditions that do not match the performance and technical specifications of the respective product. Due to the large volume of products in the database, S.C. NEXON DYNAMIC CORPORATION S.R.L. does not guarantee that their description (images, technical specifications, price) or the content of the website www.nexonfarm.hu is accurate, completely up-to-date, or error-free. Due to changes in features or design by manufacturers (without prior notice), delivered products may differ in any way from the images displayed on the site. In case prices or other details related to products have been displayed incorrectly, including due to errors in the database, S.C. NEXON DYNAMIC CORPORATION S.R.L. has the right to cancel the delivery of the respective product and inform the customer about the error as soon as possible if delivery has not taken place. S.C. NEXON DYNAMIC CORPORATION S.R.L. cannot in any way be held responsible for damages or losses resulting from non-compliance with orders. The maximum value of obligations to any customer in case of non-delivery or improper delivery of products is strictly reduced to the value of the amounts collected from the respective customer.

Aparat gard electric DALTOR DEFENSE 4J
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