How Does the Electric Fence Provide a Solution?
Damage caused by wild animals is a serious problem for farmers year after year. Deer, wild boar, bears, and other wild animals often destroy crops, damage fences, and thus cause significant economic losses. In agriculture, these damages result in production losses, damage caused by animals can hinder or slow down the growth of seedlings and may even cause their death. Additionally, they can prevent the natural regeneration of forests. However, there is an effective and simple solution against these damages: the electric fence. In this post, we will present how the electric fence works and what advantages it offers to farmers in protecting against damage caused by wild animals.
Traditional and Modern Solutions
In the past (and still in many places today), tires were burned, or noise was made using carbide cannons, shouting, and dogs to scare away wild animals. These measures did have some results, but they were not efficient enough because on a large area, they might keep animals away from one part of the land, but the other part was still devastated.
Later, the electric fence appeared, which is already considered an effective solution, but many fear its cost. As alternative solutions, plastic films were tied to ropes or various nets were drawn, but these did not prove to be effective enough. Unfortunately, many still rely on these makeshift solutions today, but they do not keep wild animals at a distance.
To effectively protect our land and crops, the fence must operate under normal parameters: the wires must have a voltage of 10,000V, with a minimum of 3-4 rows, and the area around them must be cleaned and mowed.
Don't Delay the Installation of the Electric Fence!
Many mistakenly believe that installing the electric fence is sufficient when crops such as corn have already started to grow. However, this approach poses a significant risk because damage caused by wild animals can occur unexpectedly. The earlier we install the electric fence, the more effectively we can prevent damage.
Numerous customers come to us nervous and tense because wild animals have destroyed their crops. They often say that the cost of the electric fence system has already been eaten up by animals. Many realize that the value of the damage would have already covered the cost of the electric fence, but it is still worth purchasing it to avoid affecting future production. Unfortunately, many have to lose the value of their crops before realizing how important the electric fence is.
Why the Electric Fence?
There is a solution, the electric fence. It is the only method that effectively protects crops. Its cost is very affordable because building a permanent fence costs at least ten times more than the electric fence system. The electric fence system is very easy to dismantle, transport, extend, and reinstall in the following year. If the electric fence system is functioning optimally and is well installed, a single electric shock will prevent the animal from trying to approach again.
Advantages of the Electric Fence
- Efficiency: The electric fence effectively keeps wild animals at bay, thus minimizing damage to crops and fences.
- Cost Savings: Installing and maintaining the electric fence is cost-effective, especially compared to the losses caused by animal damage.
- Simple Installation: Electric fence systems are easy and quick to install, requiring minimal knowledge.
How Does the Electric Fence Work?
We need a pulse generator that supplies a high voltage. This voltage is conducted around with the help of a conductor. The high voltage circulates along the conductor, while grounding is done towards the ground. When an animal touches the fence at any point, it closes the circuit and receives an electric shock. We run multiple rows of conductors so that the animal does not pass underneath or between them and gets shocked in the process. It is important to make the corners very strong because a herd of wild boar can destroy the fence. The stronger the corners, the more the wires can be stretched, and the fence will be more solid.
To prevent damage caused by wild animals, it is important to install the electric fence in time. Problems can arise unexpectedly, so we should not delay protection. A properly installed electric fence system protects crops and land in the long term from the harmful effects of wild animals.
Protection against damage caused by wild animals is essential for farmers, as it can cause significant economic losses. The electric fence is an effective solution that helps protect crops and land. Consider installing an electric fence and protect your crops!
Don't let wild animal damage destroy your crops! Install your electric fence system now and share your experiences in the comments! If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to contact us, and we'll be happy to help.